Category Archives: Hops

Price of craft beer going up

The Savanna Morning News has an article on something I think we knew was coming, the cost of our favorite refreshment is going to go up.

Driven by diminished supply, the price of hops has gone through the roof. Barley prices are also on the rise.

Customers at Moon River Brewing Co. on Bay Street can expect a similar pinch, said brewmaster John Pinkerton as he lamented that an order of hops that once cost $4.50 per pound is now upward of $20 per pound.

Here is another story on the same subject, from the Billings Gazette

So that combined with the cost of bottles, and transportation, it is a forgone conclusion that we will be paying more.

Dominion’s Spring Brew

This year Old Dominion is producing a Belgian style Golden Ale. They have brewed it using pilsner and wheat malt, along with Saaz and East Kent Golden hops. They have used authentic Belgian Ardennes yeast to give it a true Belgian flavor.