Tag Archives: Tupper’s Hop Pocket

Last batch of Hop Pocket brewed at Dominion

Last night Bob Tupper let us know that the last batch of Tupper’s Hop Pocket Ale has just been brewed at Old Dominion. After the Fordham/Anheuser-Busch take over of Old Dominion, Dominion decided to drop their contact brewing business. This left Bob looking for a new location to brew his award winning Hop Pocket Ale. Earlier in the year the problem was finding a brewery with enough capacity now the problem is tracking down the needed hops. Bob said that they are going to release a Hop Pocket 2008 edition with a slightly different recipe and will keep doing that till they can return the recipe to its orginal form. He also said that with the price of hops the way they are at the moment he is going to have to pass that cost on to the buyer, so your bottle of Hop Pocket could be costing you significantly more in the future.